[Amps] Question
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 05:25:27 -0800
yes, but the transient-regulation will be surprisingly poor. I did an
experiment with a non-resonated choke ps, and the transient-regulation
was worse than +/-40% as seen on a dc 'scope, however, on a ordinary VOM,
the regulation appeared to be ok. This is why no large mfg of Class AB
linear amps uses an un-resonated choke filter. // This subect is
addressed on my Web site.
>Hello List,
>Can I use a tube rectified non resonated inductor capacitor power supply
>for a SSB linear amplifier? I have some 4B32 rectifers,filament
>transformer and plate transformer and hv swinging choke. The transformer
>is 5400Vac ct at .500 amps. I was told in doing so would caudse linearity
>problems. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.
>Jeff KD4LYH
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- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.