[Amps] preservation of spare finals

Bob Harmon k6uj@pacbell.net
Mon, 04 Nov 2002 18:51:25 -0800

I have spare finals for my HF amps and according to this article It =
would be desirable to swap them with the ones in the amps once a year to =
eliminate any gassing problems that may build up.
I wasn't aware of this problem and certainly don't want to have the =
expensive spare finals go bad, yet I don't relish swapping with spares =
every year either.  I wonder if it would be sufficient to put together a =
socket on a small chassis and run just filament voltage to a tube for a =
day or so.  I could  see doing this to the spares periodically for =
"maintaining" the spares if it is a workable scheme.  Any ideas on this =
? Is this really an isue ?
Here's the article:

Bob,  K6UJ

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