[Amps] 4-400A Plate

Bill Smith ko4nrbs@yahoo.com
Fri, 8 Nov 2002 03:12:51 -0800 (PST)

I have installed a single 4-400A in my Swan Mark 1 for
testing.  I am running it Zero Bias and Grounded
Grid(it's being used as a triode).  It has 2500vdc
plate voltage and a max of about 400ma with 100 watts
of drive.  I am curious as to others experiences doing
this with the 4-400A.  The plate gets red in SSB and
CW with 100 watts of drive as I expected it should.  I
back the drive down but even in SSB the plate still
gets red.


Resting current is about 40ma.  I tested it with about
100 watts of drive

Bill Smith KO4NR

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