[Amps] 813 dissp

DF3KV@aol.com DF3KV@aol.com
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:10:52 EST

In einer eMail vom 14.11.02 14:57:29 (MEZ) Mitteleurop=E4ische Zeit schreibt=

> Why beam tetrode like 813 more efficient in term of dissp, for 125 watt
> plate dissipation, he can give 250 watt output for AB1.
> 4-125A and 813 have same plate dissp, but 813 can give more output than
> 4-125A.
> Firson - YD0LZH

Hi Firson,

You better check your 4-125!

In the past my linear with a pair of 4-125 / QB3/300 did 800W easily
in grounded grid high=B5 service, of course class B.


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