[Amps] re: 4cx350's on AM

Ron Samchuk samvideo@escape.ca
Sun, 17 Nov 2002 16:46:30 -0600

Hi everyone: =20
    Seen the comments on the 4cx350 tubes.  Just so you know, a good =
friend of mine, Doug VE4BX home built an amplifier a couple of years ago =
using two of these tubes and he uses them strictly on AM.  Output =
carrier is 500 - 600 watts (plate modulated with two 810's).
    His signal and audio sound great on that rig.  He did it in spite of =
the fact that specs on the tubes do not recommend AM operation.  You =
could phone Doug direct if you want any details on just what he did.... =
Doug Beamish VE4BX 204-764-2756.
    Regards from Ron VE4SR

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