[Amps] Re: homebrewing a medium power 2 meter amp

Arthur Moe kb7ww@easystreet.com
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 00:30:55 +0000


Why not try to find an AM-6155 or AM-6154,  They are complete with 
power supply and a fairly small package.  Do a web search for them
and see what is involved in converting them.

You can start here.



Dan Evans N9RLA wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> As a winter project, I'm considering building a medium power 2 meter amp.  I
> would be interested in comments on popular amp designs.  Right now I am
> giving serious consideration to the amp featured in the 1994 ARRL Handbook
> based on the 8930 or 4cx250.  But I would certainly be open to suggestions
> for better designs.
> My requirements are pretty simple.  I have  a very limited budget, but I
> figure I can pick up the parts over the span of a few months OK.  The amp
> has to be LINEAR, as it will be used primarily for SSB/CW. My primary rig is
> an Icom 746, so I have up to 100 watts of drive available if needed.
> Although I do a lot of Roving, I'm planning this amp to be used for the home
> station.  I think a solid state amp of this caliber would likely be beyond
> my budget...
> Tips, suggestions, comments?
> 73
> Dan
> Dan Evans N9RLA
> Scottsburg, IN 47170
> {EM78}
> IN-Ham list administrator
> QRP-l #1269
> 1/2 of the N9RLA /R no budget Rover Team
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