[Amps] Passive grid: How to calculate..... ?
Fri, 22 Nov 2002 10:52:35 -0500 (EST)
Stupid question of the month......
How do I calculate the driving VOLTAGE requirements of a tube or tubes in a passive grid configuration in the absense of a datasheet specifiying same?
Example: I have a datasheet for an 813 that clearly specifies the peak AF/RF driving voltage requirements for different classes of operation and service, but the datasheet I have for the 4-400 only shows the DC values required to set the desired class of operation and element dissipation values, etc.
I'm playing with the design of a 2 X 4-400A passive grid configuration and am not sure as to the input transformer/swamping resistor arrangement.
I'm also assuming 100V pk for a 100W transciever. ( someone please correct me if I'm way out in orbit somewhere!!! )
Many thanks!
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