[Amps] Amp site?
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 04:00:53 -0700
>--- NI4L <ni4l@charter.net> wrote:
>> http://www.nd2x.net/base-1.html
>Thanks for pointing out a very interesting site!
>I found the info on revitalizing cathodes especially
>I never gave ex C.C.C.P. tubes much thought but now I
>know they are out there.
>However, If anyone is aware of good construction
>examples with tubes like the 4-1000 I would
>appreciate it. I have about a half dozen of these and
>am planning to make a nice 20m contesting amp.
** 6, 4-1000As in parallel would make a Nice contesting amp. An SB-200
or FL-2100 would drive them quite nicely.
cheers, Mark
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- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,