[Amps] DC On tube filaments
Randall DuCharme
Wed, 9 Oct 2002 08:42:27 -0700 (PDT)
I'm told by an old Army radio operator that they used
to periodically reverse the filament polarity on a
transmitter ( the exact nomenclature escapes me at the
moment ) that used an 813 and a DC filament supply, to
extend the filament life. I have no first hand
experience with this myself but have been tempted to
try it.
--- MorgusMagnificen@aol.com wrote:
> Those who are opposed to DC on filaments should
> immediately notify the
> Department of Defense, as they have apparantly being
> erroneously doing this
> in all of that aircraft electronics since the days
> of the Wright Bros.
> (almost).
> Remember the 1625? It was an 807 with a
> specially re-designed filament
> to run on 12VDC, with two of them (wired in series)
> in the ARC-5 TX's powered
> directly from 24VDC.
> Eric von Valtier K8LV
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