[Amps] First Amp--> SB200
Tue, 15 Oct 2002 20:30:27 -0400
I'm getting my first amp pretty soon...a SB200.
I'm quite familiar with operating tube gear (which is what I use
90% of the time) so that won't be new, but I wonder if someone
can pass along collective wisdom of the weak points and/or "gotchas"
that exist in such an amp. My usage will likely be with a Drake TR7
and/or my SB301/401 station in mixed SSB and CW use.
The amp is from a good friend, and will be loaned to me for
as long as required to make sure it's what I want, so I'm not
worried about being stung with a hamfest or E-pay "special".
Looking forward to your collective wisdom.
John wb5oau/4
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