[Amps] Alpha 87A amp

Rich 2@vc.net
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 20:44:38 -0700

Did either 87A require return to Alpha?  If so, what were the symptoms?


>Of course, Alpha's main competitor in this performance and price class is 
>the ACOM 2000A.  I have owned two ACOMs and two 87As.  I
>now run only the older battleship Alphas.  Anyway...
>Both the 87A and ACOM performed well.  At the time, ACOM had not yet 
>released their control software and promises were left empty
>for a long time.  I believe they've addressed this, however.  The 87A 
>control software worked flawlessly.
>From an operational perspective, I actually enjoyed using the 87A over the 
>ACOM.  High speed CW with a high power PIN diode is tough
>to beat, but then its less forgiving to high VSWR than the ACOM's Kilovac 
>KC-1 vacuum relay.  The ACOM was plenty fast and on my
>monitor scope, it never hot switched and the in/out sequencing was fine 
>even at 45+ WPM.
>It's a close call., but I thought the overall construction of the 87A was 
>superior to that of the ACOM.  In one particular
>area....the motor servos, the ACOM uses a really scary Russian type.  If 
>you look at the servo, I swear it was machined by hand in a
>vise in someone's basement....very, very rough.  However, they seemed to 
>perform fine.  Nevertheless, the look of the Russian servos
>scared the Hell out of me in the event the part no longer remained 
>available or ACOM no longer supported the amp.  On the other
>hand, if it's a common servo configuration both mechanically and 
>electrical....maybe it's not a concern.
>In both ACOMs, I lost the 3-state electronic bias switch.  Same part....a 
>TO-220 switching transistor as I recall.  Even though the
>amps did not come with a schematic (early 1999), I was able to repair it 
>myself based on a couple e-mail exchanges with Vasko.  I
>didn't detect any other problems in the two years I had the ACOMs.  The 
>only problem I had with one 87A was that the input
>bandswitch was not completely aligned and keyed properly.  As the amp 
>would automatically switch from band-to-band input VSWR would
>sometimes indicate considerably higher, but the fix was easy enough.
>The ACOM uses tubes that are less expensive than in the 87A.  The 87A is a 
>GG design.  The ACOM uses tetrodes and the measured IMD
>performance of the 87A is significantly better than the ACOM 2000A 
>(caveat: this data was measured by the ARRL labs on one set of
>amps.  Another set of amps may have yielded different IMD figures).
>The ACOM's autotuning feature works differently than Alpha's.  You find 
>the optimum tuning and loading point within any band segment
>just once and forget it.  If the antenna loading changes, the ACOM WILL 
>NOT compensate.  The 87A's ALPHAMAX will compensate for load
>changes, but it does not have a precise, one-time auto tune/load function. 
> Yes, it is capable of full autotune, but it's not as
>precise as the ACOM.  The 87A is best adjusted manually for a given band 
>segment and then saved in memory.  Then, I would engage
>ALPHAMAX to take care of the rest.  The bottom line is that if you have 
>antennas that are subject to loading variances, the 87A does
>the tuning best.  If you can count on the antenna's VSWR to remain 
>absolutely constant, the ACOM does a better job.
>Just my opinion....and worth just what you paid for it...
>-Paul, W9AC
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Bob Otto N8NGA" <N8NGA@one.net>
>To: <amps@contesting.com>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 10:38 AM
>Subject: [Amps] Alpha 87A amp
>Forgive me if this is a subject covered......I'm new to the list.
>I'm considering purchasing a Alpha 87A amp 1Q03.  The price has increased 
>substantially since the new ownership.  Does anyone have
>experience with the amp under the new ownership?  Are there better 
>alternatives to the Alpha?
>73 from....
>Bob Otto
>Cincinnati, Ohio
>Scottsdale, Arizona
>10:35:05 AM
>"Direct to you from high on top of Indian Hill, Ohio"
>* DXCC 10M * * WAC 10M * * WAS 10M *
>If a lot of people gripped a knife and fork the way they do a golf club, 
>they'd starve to death.
>~Sam Snead
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-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.