[Amps] How light can you make a 500W amplifier?

DF3KV@aol.com DF3KV@aol.com
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 17:51:43 EDT

> That would be the HA-14 and they trade for
> a bit more than the SB-200 in similar condition.
> Nice amp though.
> HP-24 mains power supply tranny is smaller
> than that of the SB200...It's not very heavy.
> IMHO, you gain more with a good RF speech
> clipper. After applying the clipping, you'll
> need a 500W amp that can handle a high
> average power to make it worth carrying around.
> IMHO it is folklore to think RF speech clipping 
is boosting ones signal like a 500W amp


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