[Amps] How light can you make a 500W amplifier?
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 14:43:33 EDT
In einer eMail vom 18.10.02 20:23:41 (MEZ) - Mitteleurop. Sommerzeit schreibt
> 10:100, 100:1000 is 10db.
> 100:500 is 7db
> That's 3db my 100W has on the 'natural' 500W
> from an intelligibility point of view.
if so, your 3db would mean 1000W
> For DX, the antenna-location combination
> matters more than the power. I'll trade a full
> size vertical and 100W in the middle of the
> Pacific for 1500W and the same antenna in
> Montana, any day, even without signal
> processing :-)
> If you can find the gear, try an A/B comparison
> with good processing and without.
> If you can find someone with a Drake TR7 and
> Sherwood 7-SP you'll to use in this comparison,
> I'm sure it will change your opinion.
> http://www.sherweng.com/7spmkii.html
I am using my Drake twin with Magnum Six speech compressing,
anyhow in a pileup my amplifier is much more effective
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