[Amps] Solid State Amp - Filter Board
Richard Thorne
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 13:19:50 -0500
Hello Group:
I just signed on to this group today. =20
I'm in the process of trying to aquire a solid state amp to match up to =
my Icom 756pro. I'm looking for a Herc II, Kachina KC-500, IC-2KL =
(preferable), SGC-500. It must have the ability to change bands =
In lou of the above amps. I'm considering building a Skywalker amp. =
I've heard/read that this is a great amp. For about $500 I can build =
one up. =20
If I go the Skywalker route I would need to build a filter network that =
is driven by relays. I would like to find a kit that would do this for =
me. Are there any out there? or would have to build my own board with =
relays ect.
Thanks in advance.
Rich Thorne - N5ZC
Amarillo, TX
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