[Amps] Amps to make
Mon, 9 Sep 2002 10:31:37 -0700
>Any one build an amp using three of the GU-74B tubes????
>Any plans out there?????
>Also looking for good plans for using pair 8877 tubes???
>Also looking for good plans for pair 4-1000 tubes???
2, 4-1000As will make about 1/3 as much suds as a nice tetrode with
handles. and the tetrode (8171, et cetera) takes less drive power. On
the other hand, the tetrode also has less feedback C, which is definitely
bad news if you are trying to build a VHF oscillator.
cheers, Jack
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,