[Amps] diode string configuration

Steve Katz stevek@jmr.com
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 07:49:20 -0700

Lynn, why would you need to parallel 1N5408's?  The 5408 is a 3A diode, at
lead temperature of 105 degrees C, which is pretty easy to maintain with the
slightest trickle of air flowing past them.

I'd just put 7 or 8 in series per leg for a FW CT rectifier that can deliver
4.5kV at 3A.  13.5kWdc isn't enough?


"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough." -
Mario Andretti

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Lynn [SMTP:no9z@soltec.net]
> Sent:	Friday, September 13, 2002 7:18 AM
> To:	amps@contesting.com
> Subject:	[Amps] diode string configuration
> Hello,
>     I have searched the archives, but did not find this question
> covered.
>   I am starting work on the HV powersupply.  Transformer is rated
> at   3330 - 0 -3330 vac at 1.7 amps from center tap to each leg.
>   I plan on using a full wave rectifier configuration for approximately
> 4500 vdc
> at 3.5 amps.
>   I want to build the diode strings from 1n5408 diodes.   7kv@4 amps.
>  So is it best to build 4  7kv independent 1 amp strings or 1 string
> with
> 4  1n5408 diodes all in parallel and soldered together x 7 .....for a
> completed
> assembley that will do  4 amps at 7kv?  Obviously I will need 2 of these
> for
> fullwave operation.
> Lynn, NO9Z
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