[Amps] Gonset Amplifier

COLIN LAMB k7fm@teleport.com
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 14:27:32 -0700

The Gonset 500-W was made in 1954 and covered 10 - 80 meters with provision
for 160.  SSB output is 250 watts PEP.  Am output is 90 Watts.  CW output
is 220 watts.  Uses 4 x 807 tubes in parallel with 4 866 Jr. in a bridge
circuit.  New cost $339.50.  

It has a tuned input for use with the Central Electronics 10A exciter.

Perfect for driving with the newer 200 watt transceivers if you want a
power reducer.  

Colin  K7FM

> [Original Message]
> From: Bill Smith <ko4nrbs@yahoo.com>
> To: <amps@contesting.com>
 > Date: 9/18/02 9:19:24 AM
> Subject: [Amps] Gonset Amplifier
> Does anyone know anything about the Gonset 500-W
> 10-80M amplifier.  I have been offered one to fix up
> if I think I can carry it out of a guy's basement.  Is
> it worth the trouble.  Would it be a good foundation
> for a tube conversion?
> 73,
> Bill 
> =====
> Bill Smith KO4NR
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- k7fm@teleport.com