Mon, 23 Sep 2002 12:57:40 -0700
** Replacement bandswitch: Multi-tech Industries; 64 So. Main or PO Box
159; Marlboro, NJ 07746; 732-462-6100 < www.multi-tech-industries.com > ;
Attn: Skip Coleman.
- Reducing the VHF-Q of the parasite suppressor will reduce VHF gain and
may prevent an instant replay with the new bandswitch. 3-1000Zs (now
obsolete) are not very stable because they have c. 8x as much feedback-C
as other tubes this size. Eimac's 3cx1200Z7 is a good replacement -- but
it's hardly a direct substitute.
>My old BTI 2000 bandswitch arcs when trying to load up on 80m. Looks like
>it is time for a replacement. Any ideas on what to use for a replacement
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- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,