[Amps] 4CX250F Tubes
Steve Katz
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 07:34:13 -0700
> >Just came in to possession of a box full of new
> >4CX250F tubes. Thought they may be a very low cost
> >alternative to the 3-400Z tubes in my Swan Mark 1 amp.
> > I know it would take quite a bit of work to do but I
> >would be in tubes for the rest of my life!!
> >
> >Can these tubes handle the 2500vdc the Swan puts out?
> On SSB/CW, yes.
> >I know they are rated at around 2000vdc plate voltage.
[Steve Katz] I've used 4CX250F's in VHF PAs with great success.
Because they have full gain/output up to 400 MHz, they might make great
oscillators when used in an HF amp unless new precautions are taken. And,
obviously, two of them (one each to replace 3-400Z) won't run nearly the
power of the original tubes...it would take four to do that. I've never
used 4CX250's in grounded grid. They require "bottom to top" cooling,
pressurized, with air system sockets and chimneys. Guess you could make a
big metal plate to cover the original socket holes and punch that for the
SK600 series sockets.....-WB2WIK/6
> >73,
> >Bill
> - R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,
> www.vcnet.com/measures.
> end
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