[Amps] HV CAPACITOR BANK question
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 05:53:09 -0400
ok, let me ask you this ....the transformer i have is 3500/4500v@3.5
amps the gu84B likes about 4000v with a cap of that value 16@7500 v i
think was what it was? Would it ever fully charge? would it degrade the
performance of the amp by useing only one oil cap like this instead of a
cap bank like i have at 93mfd@ 7200v? Or would it be better to go with
say 2 of the 32mfd@ 4500v? what are your thoughts on this. I guess what
i am getting at is for all practical purposes which would make it sing
and what would make it lag? Another thing i was wondering... If by
useing the low tap on the transformer to keep the voltage around 4k
after running it through the caps and rectifiers will the transformer
grunt only useing the low tap and one oil cap. What would be a good
value of cap if you were going to use only one oil cap to make it work
smoothly? Anyone with any thoughts on this subject please step up to the
>>> Hi
>>> I have five oil and paper HV caps I was planning on selling on eBay.
>>> I have :
>>> Three 100 mfd, 2000 WVDC (3000 VDC peak) caps - big, 25-30 lbs each,
>>> steel case, Sangamo
>>> Two 10 mfd, 6200 WVDC (10,000 VDC peak) caps - big, 25-30 lbs each,
>>> steel case, Sangamo
>>> Two 16 mfd, 7500VDC caps - big, 25-30 lbs each, made by CDE
>>> You can see pics here :
>>> http://www.vaxxine.com/phil/ebay/
>>> This will give you an index of files in that directory. Look for the
>>> files that begin with 'cap'.
>>> Thanks...Phil (VA3UX)
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