[Amps] amps
carl seyresdahl
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 08:05:12 -0400
In working with a GLA1000 amp I found that the 12vac winding measured =
about 20 v (loaded with relay, all bulbs). I then measured the filament =
voltage , 6.5 vac. Hooking up the Variac , I reduced the line voltage =
'til the fil. v read 6.3, this came at about 111 vac in. the '12vac =
winding still read about 18 volts. Real strange. I did the same with two =
other amps, same type. and got the same results. ( I used a DMM). Is =
this a normal thing with this amp ?? I can't believe Dentron would have =
deliberately used such a hi voltage for for the Relay and lights, or is =
this another example of "poor engineering" or what. ?? Any comments??=20
carl / kz5ca
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