[Amps] HV caps and transformer ?

paule at sfu.ca paule at sfu.ca
Wed Aug 6 09:21:21 EDT 2003

A friend of mine is in need of the following:

1 - .00047uF 20Kv Doorknob or transmitting cap of some sort 
     (anything so long  as it can handle at least 20 Kv RF. 

2 -  a 500pf 10Kv RF rated cap of some sort. 

3 -  a Neon Sign transformer capable of 12 to 15 Kv. 

Any ideas where he might look?

cheers, Paul - VA7NT ex VE7CQK - email: paule at sfu.ca
"Those who hear not the music. . . think the dancers mad."

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