[Amps] QSK keying

PAUL HEWITT wd7s at att.net
Tue Aug 12 13:42:41 EDT 2003

I think if I had a relay that
closed at 5.9ms sitting on my
bench, I certainly would not
guarantee it to close at 6ms
during 10G's of 55-2000hz
vibration, (Kilovac specs).
This is a MIL-SPEC item and no
manufacturer would claim a max
closure speed without some
sort of safety margin, lives
could at stake.  Most relay
manufacturers today are
listing max closure time and
mean closure time, usually
50-65% less time for the mean.
I've spoken to several hams
that have found the exact same
results as I have.  Since you
are the only person (I know
of) that has found these long
closure times, I suggest that
your data is out of date or
Cheers, Paul


Rich sez
> The rated closure
> time for the
> Kilovac® HC-1 is
> 6mS.  I measured c. 5.9mS
> without a speedup
> circuit.  If the
> actual closure
> speed was 2.3mS, one
> would think that
> Kilovac would spec
> the HC-1 at 2.5mS
> instead of 6mS.

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