[Amps] RE: GS35B source

Thomas Hix w4th at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 17 13:26:50 EDT 2003

I noticed someone recommended a guy using the name Pavel_Pop as a good 
source for the gs35b tubes.
While I am sure the person who recommended Pavel_Pop had good cause to do 
so, I on the other hand had a bad experience after buying some sockets from 
him on Ebay.
I bought 3 gu78b sockets from him. When they arrived one of them was broken.
I ask him to either give me a refund or give me another tube or socket to 
replace the broken socket.
He refused to replace the broken socket saying the US Postal Service was to 
blame for breaking the socket and it was not his responsibility.
After many attempts at trying to get him to make things right with me I 
finally gave up.


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