[Amps] anyone else been contacted?

Ron w8ron at stratos.net
Tue Aug 26 12:33:07 EDT 2003

I have heard of such dealings where a "certified bank check" is given 
for payment and ends up worthless 3 months later.

Make sure your payment arrives in a well known form .....cash, U.S. 
Postal Money Order, Western Union wire transfer...etc.

Thomas Hix wrote:

> Hello fellow hams.
> I recently posted my Ameritron ALS 600 solid state amp for sale on 
> several of the amateur radio classified sites.....I had the amp listed 
> for $800.00 plus shipping.....I received the email below today 
> offering me $1000.00 and no shipping cost because the buyer would 
> arrange for pickup....I would not have thought much about this except 
> I remembered another similar offer I had received when I listed my 
> Emtron DX-2 SP amp for sale several months back.....That time I was 
> also offered a good deal more in payment than I had the amp listed 
> for, and they also would have their shipper come buy and pick up the 
> amp.....in that case the procurement company said they were in some 
> African country.....in this latest case the procurement company is in 
> the UK.
> My question is this....Have any of the rest of you ever been contacted 
> by one of the procurement companies when you had listed items for sale 
> on any of the ham classifieds? If so were they legit? My concern is 
> that these companies are operating some kind of a scam operation.....I 
> may be entirely wrong, but I just have that old feeling in my gut that 
> something is wrong here....why would these people offer MORE for the 
> item than it's listed price?.....Maybe I am just paranoid....I dont 
> know....what do you think?
> Thanks for your time and 73
> Tom.....W4TH
>> From :   george masela <albertrings2003 at yahoo.co.uk>
> To :   w4th at hotmail.com
> Subject :   ALS 600 Ameritron ( INTERNATIONAL ORDER)
> Date :   Tue, 26 Aug 2003 21:02:12 +0100 (BST)
> Hi  ,
> We are a procurement concern and we specialise in
> purchasing preowned goods on behalf of our
> clients worldwide. We however have and order for the
> above ALS 600 Ameritron and our client is offering to buy these for  
> the sum of $1000.00
> Please can We will arrange to remit payment for purchase to  you .  a 
> prepaid  shipper  will  come  to  your  home  for  pickup.
> Best Regards,
> GEORGE....
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