[Amps] Benefits of 3-phase power?

Dave Kirkby davek at medphys.ucl.ac.uk
Wed Dec 3 02:14:05 EST 2003

"Ian White, G3SEK" wrote:
> So it's chicken-and-egg - in Britain, no homes are supplied with 3-phase
> because 3-phase household electrical equipment doesn't exist... so no
> homes are supplied with 3-phase.

It's not quite the chicken and egg situation. I have a 3-phase supply for
very different reasons - simply the amount of power I use used, despite
items being single phase. 

I live in a rural area, where there is no gas supply. At one point the
house was electrically heated. The garage which has a couple of rorms
attached was also heated electrically by the so-called "Economy 7" night
storage heaters. I can't recall exactly how many there were, but it was
around 20 in total. These were all single phase, and varied from about 1.8
to 2.8 kW depending on size. 

If all were on at once (which they typically would be once the 'economy'
rate was activated at 00:30 am), the load would be 250 A just for the

Although I did not arrange the connection of the electricity supply, I
assume it is 3-phase because of the heavy load. 

So one way to get 3-phases might be to say to the electric board you want
to fit enconomy 7 storage heaters. 

Dr. David Kirkby PhD,

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