[Amps] Could you remove old links - redirect to http://www.g8wrb.org

Dave Kirkby davek at medphys.ucl.ac.uk
Sun Dec 7 08:53:20 EST 2003

Hi, I used to have a site with mainly ham related items. 


which there seems to have around 150 people linking to (check your own
site if you want by going to http://www.ineedhits.com/free/popularity/ )

So if you have a link to anything about YC-156 amplifers, Eimac data
sheets, perhaps conduction cooled tubes, yagi-uda antenna analysis
software, would you mind checking if they are pointing at the above site,
and if so change them to http://www.g8wrb.org/

Another site of mine - http://www.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/~davek/ham 

had similar content - again if you link to that, would you change the
links. I suspect there are far more links to that, although its less easy
for me to see how many. Currently there is a message on each page saying
the site has moved, but that won't be there forever, as the site is
maintained by my former employers.

My transmission line software is remaining at the site where it has been
for several years


so its most unlikly anyone has the wrong link for that, but just in case,
could you check that. 

My email address has changed too. I won't post it here, but if you want to
email me, go to 


to see the address. 

Dr. David Kirkby PhD (G8WRB),

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