[Amps] arco variable capacitor data

Radio WC6W wc6w at juno.com
Mon Dec 8 10:22:15 EST 2003

On Sun, 7 Dec 2003 21:34:45 -0800 skipp isaham <nospam4me at juno.com>
> Anyone know of an On-line description for the 
> arco type of trimmer caps?  In specific, the 
> famous arco 429 and similar series caps 
> that have been made for decades? 
> These are most often the small square 
> units. 
> Who, what, where is arco now?  Would 
> any on-line parts description be available? 
> thanks
> skipp 
> nospam4me at juno.com 

Hi Skipp,
   I don't believe that they are on-line.    800 441 2726  in the old
way.  :-)

   I have a vintage catalog if you need any specific info.   The 429 is
just one of the series 42 parts: 115-400 pF.

73 & Good morning,
   Marv WC6W


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