[Amps] 3-500Z plate durability

R.Measures r at somis.org
Thu Dec 11 07:47:41 EST 2003

>With the 3-500zg, the real cooling issue is the keeping the glass-metal
>seals cool enough.Typically, the use of a muffin (or tubeaxial) fan blowing
>across the tubes isn't sufficient to allow continuous operation at the
>maximum ratings; this is why amp manufacturers (including Ten Tec, Qro etc)
>restrict the power to 650 or 800 watts respectively in 'key down' modes like
>RTTY, and also limit the maximum transmit time to about 10 minutes.  Through
>the use of a better cooling system, (like an air system socket and 

**  I have observed that the glass-tube cooling system which produces the 
lowest glass temperature is not the air-sytem socket and chimney, it is 
the simple split-chassis tranverse fan system that Heath used in the 
SB-220.   However, for Heath's method to work properly, the fan diameter 
needs to be slightly greater than the overall tube height.  For example, 
a 3-500Z is about 140mm tall, and the Heath fan diameter is 150mm (6").  
Also, the Heath cooling system is c. 20db quiter than the high-pressure 
centrifugal blower needed with an air-system socket.  However, the 
air-system socket/chimney has one big advantage:  It impresses those who 
don't know what's what.

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