[Amps] Homebrew solid state amps?

R.Measures r at somis.org
Fri Dec 12 05:24:09 EST 2003

>Just wondering what is the current state of the art for homebrewed high
>power solid state amplifiers?  I don't see much discussion on the
>Are there any designs available for a 1.5 kw homebrew?
**  I've seen a Motorola 1200w HF design using two 50V FETs that go for 
$800 a pair.  Efficiency is c. 45% on 10m  Terry Gaiser, W6RU, told me 
that modern broadcast stations use banks of 70vdc   p-p FET amp modules 
which produce 300W each and feed a combiner to get more suds  The 
advantage of transistors for a 50kW BC station is that there's plenty of 
surplus heat for an indoor pool and spa in Minnesota in January.
>Thanks in advance,
>Bill, W6WRT
>Amps mailing list
>Amps at contesting.com

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