Gudguyham at aol.com
Gudguyham at aol.com
Fri Dec 19 07:08:08 EST 2003
In a message dated 12/19/03 06:48:12 AM Eastern Standard Time,
jsb at digistar.com writes:
> I would be curious to know:
> 1. which one produces the least amount of RFI at 1000 watts output
> at 1000 watts out all 3 amps are well within the linear range FOR SURE all
> will be sparklingly clean. I'd worry about other contributing factors.
> 2. what is the true power output is with 50 watts of drive
> not sure, but at a guess AL-82 800watts AL-1200 1100watts AL-1500 1300watts
> 3. how noisy is it when idle and when under load
> all 3 are the same, they have the same blower
> 4. how noisy are the relays when switching from rx to tx
> typical small relay sound, newer rigs have a different relay now not sure
> what it is now.
> 5. does it have QSK capability
> Nope, not on its own.
> Those are the big items on my own list. If it produces 1000 watts, or
> at least 800 watts with 60 watts of drive then it's definitely adequate.
> The difference between 800 and 3200 watts is barely an S unit but the
> near field to your neighbors' television is a lot closer.
> Thanks for your response!
> 73 Jason N1SU
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