[Amps] high power clear channel transmissions 20 to 55 MHz

Larry Kayser kayser at sympatico.ca
Sun Dec 28 20:08:18 EST 2003

Greetings All:

I am looking for a station I can use for some propagation research 
work.  What I would like to find is a continuous duty, high power - say 
5 KW and up, 25 to 50 MHz, preferably with an OMNI antenna either 
vertical or horizontal polarization and outside of north america.  The 
quirk is I would like to find such a station that is for all practical 
purposes on a clear channel.  This precludes using existing television 
and fm broadcast stations that are part of the ITU sanctioned world wide 
broadcasting bands.

If any of you know of any existing research stations or transmission 
system(s) that I could use as a signal source I would sure appreciate 
hearing about it. 

An ideal source would have been the old WWV transmissions on 25 MHz, 
regretfully these were terminated some years ago. 


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