[Amps] 100 Watt WW resistor Voltages

Traian yo9fzs at office.deck.ro
Tue Feb 4 18:05:43 EST 2003

 The Harris RF-124 PS is using an Ohmite 100 k 100W
(vitreous) ww resistor as bleeder (near 3 kV no load).
Its lenght is about 6" (about 15cm), and its label 270-100M-40.
Also I have tested an 140k 100W (same style), which I am
using it every time I have to test a component/tube for leakage.
No problem with anyone of them (yet...).
The vitreous ww resistor may withstand higher voltages
than the air ones (think also about the influence of the humidity).


"John T. M. Lyles" wrote:

> What is the maximum safe end to end DC voltage you can reliabily use
> a 100 Watt wirewound resistor for? In a bleeder application. It
> dawned on me that I remember seeing one flash over and self destruct
> one time, at some unreasonably low voltage. Ohmite catalog says 500 V
> RMS per inch of winding length in air, but this seems high from
> experience.
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