[Amps] SB-220, addition of 10 meters

skipp isaham nospam4me at juno.com
Thu Feb 6 17:04:52 EST 2003

One can "roll your own" 10 meter addition to the SB-221 
The parts are generic less the front panel, of which an 
very nice reproduction is sold by Martin Tippin.
I did one years ago (actually decades), I seem to 
remember the SB-201 (little brother) being more of 
a pain. 
The input networks of the last SB-201 I did from 
scratch parts required changes as the original values 
worked with the anti CB Low pass filter in place. 
Its not just the addition of the expanded band switch 
capacity and one tuned input on the SB-201. 
The most practical retrofit parts source would be 
to buy the originals removed from one of the guys 
placing them up on six meters.   I used to buy 
stuff from Carl, but he's long off the radar screen. 

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "carl seyersdahl" <carlseye at tampabay.rr.com>
To: "Steve Katz" <stevek at jmr.com>, "'Vic Rosenthal'" <vic at rakefet.com>,

I sure would like to get my hands on some of those kits. !! Anyone know
any.???> for a photocopy of my license and a few bucks (I don't recall
> they
> sent me a 10 meter kit which included a brand new front panel with 10
> meters
> marked on it, some input components, etc..
   carl / kz5ca
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Katz" <stevek at jmr.com>
To: "'Vic Rosenthal'" <vic at rakefet.com>; "Amps reflector"
<amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 2:00 PM
Subject: RE: [Amps] Heathkit HL-2200

> Hi Vic, same probably goes for the HL-2200.
> BTW I see by my logbook we worked on 160m CW the other day...right
> same time I snagged AH3D.  C ya on top band again. -Steve, WB2WIK/6
> "Success is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of
> enthusiasm." -Winston Churchill
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Vic Rosenthal [SMTP:vic at rakefet.com]
> > Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 10:13 AM
> > To: Amps reflector
> > Subject: Re: [Amps] Heathkit HL-2200
> >
> > Steve Katz wrote:
> > >
> > > Isn't another difference that the SB220 had a 10m position on the
> > bandswitch
> > > and the HL2200 didn't?  -WB2WIK/6
> >
> > I'm not sure about this amplifier, but in 1979 I built an SB201 (the
> > FCCized
> > version of the SB200).  It did not come with a 10 meter position
> > the
> > front panel, and the bandswitch had a stop at the 15 meter position. 
> > return
> > for a photocopy of my license and a few bucks (I don't recall how
> > they
> > sent me a 10 meter kit which included a brand new front panel with 10
> > meters
> > marked on it, some input components, etc..
> >
> > Vic K2VCO

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