[Amps] The Philosophy of Science

MorgusMagnificen at aol.com MorgusMagnificen at aol.com
Mon Feb 10 11:22:31 EST 2003

I apologize for that last blast of air from K8-land. Although it was all 
perfectly valid, I don't think this group has much interest in the philosophy 
of science. After reading it thru, I realize that the important message about 
electronics got buried in the QRM. It is this.

Exact calculations (in electronics, particularly) are those which are based 
on precise models of all of the components involved and calculated to a 
specified degree of precision, whereas approximate calculations use models 
which are simplified to permit the mathematics to be manageable. Sometimes, 
without using simplifications, even simple circuits can be mathematically 

Most of the power supply data that was produced before the computer era was 
based on such approximations, and for good reason. But nowadays, we can do it 
exactly with little effort.

If you want to see an example of what I am trying to say, on an 
up-front-and-personal level, try the following simple (???) electronic 
exercise:  calculate the charging rate of a capacitor C in series with a 
1N4004 diode connected to any source of your choosing, DC, AC,noise,etc..

Eric K8LV

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