Kim Elmore
Kim.Elmore at noaa.gov
Mon Feb 10 13:00:09 EST 2003
Well. How charming. Given that Scientific American considers only invited
papers, that's a mighty lofty requirement.
Just to see if, perhaps, WT8R shares in such lofty company, I checked out
the ISI Web of Science citation index (the University Library subscribes to
it). For those of you unfamiliar with such obscure publications, it's an
index of citations, meaning that anyone who writes a paper that cites
another paper with any permutation of Errol D. Beard (E Beard, Beard E, E D
Beard, etc.) in the author list will be in there. This list also always
includes the cited work itself. Almost everyone who's ever written a
scholarly paper in almost any subject appear will appear there. I couldn't
find Errol D. Beard anywhere. It's possible that he has published in
Scientific American, but I think the possibility is remote.
Kim Elmore
At 08:13 PM 2/8/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Attention all users of this forum:
>WT8R Has just announced that the only people who should express opinions and
>offer information on this network are those who "publish erudite articles in
>Scientific American". Since that excludes me and all of the rest of you (at
>least that I am aware of), I guess we are QRT for now. CU on the
>Eric von Valtier K8LV
>Amps mailing list
>Amps at contesting.com
Kim Elmore, Ph.D.
University of Oklahoma
Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies
"All of weather is divided into three parts: Yes, No, and Maybe. The
greatest of these is Maybe" The original Latin appears to be garbled.
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