Spam Alert: Re: [Amps] The Philosophy of Science

Phil Clements philk5pc at
Tue Feb 11 12:24:26 EST 2003

> a problem finding that capacitor in real life, or as many have quoted within
> even a 10 per cent range.  The word exact in effect means precise so whats
> the diff ?  Sometimes words mean nothing as do numbers.
> Merv K9FD/KH6

I had a ground school instructor in the good old days when I was a pilot for
Braniff I'ntl. Airways. One of his favorite sayings when someone in the class
pushed for more exact details on a subject than they really needed to know
was: "measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, and cut it with an axe."

I have used this philosophy in building amps over the years. The ugly ones
with over-sized components that happen to be on hand usually work quite
well as long as values are in the ball park of generally accepted engineering
practices. The result is less wear on the calculator, and more air time.

Phil, K5PC

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