[Amps] Vodoo and Bill Orr

2 2 at vc.net
Tue Feb 11 18:44:29 EST 2003

>> >
>> **  I do not recall seeing such an article in QST.  As I recall, the 
>> first QST article to show an autopsy photo of a gold sputtered tube was 
>> "Parasitics Revisited" in September, 1990.  Subsequent to this QST 
>> article , Bill Orr wrote a letter to QST stating that said article 
>> contained numerous technical errors.  However, Mr. Orr did not mention 
>> any technical error.  QST sent me a photocopy of Mr. Orr's letter.
> //Bill Orr also wrote a letter to QST, and one to me, chastising me for
> writing a construction article about running an 8877 at 4kv+ anode
> voltage, and how dangerous X-rays would be emitted from the tube under
> those conditions.  I just did it to see how easy the 8877 would be to
> drive with lots of suds on the plate, and found out it sure gets easy.
> QST never printed the letter.  -WB2WIK/6
**  X-rays become a problem above c.12kV.   A QST staffer told me they 
did not print the letter Orr wrote about "Parasitics Revisited" because 
Orr failed to point to a technical error in the article. 

 cheerz, Dennis.
>> ...
>> > I do not have any more details on the subject because we were QSO'ing
>> about 
>> >another area of high power amplifier design at the time and this was an 
>> >'oh-by-the-way' type of conversation we had.
>> >
>> > Unfortunately, when Lucent technologies 'force reduction retired' me on 
>> >November 15th after 37 years of service, they only gave me about 3 hours
>> to 
>> >clear out my many years worth of accumulated 'stuff' and I did not have
>> the 
>> >time to retrieve my email archives; so those details were lost forever.
>> >
>> > But if Joe or his friend are still around, and someone out there knows
>> them 
>> >and can contact them, they may be of some help in resolving this issue.
>> >
>> >Regards,
>> >
>> >Dennis O.
>> -  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734, AG6K, 
>> www.vcnet.com/measures.  

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734, AG6K, 

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