[Amps] SB220 Improvements

2 2 at vc.net
Wed Feb 12 04:57:44 EST 2003

>In the mid 70's I went to work at Heathkit as a Ham Tech.  One of the first
>rigs I had to work on was a SB220.  I replaced burned chokes/caps on the
>sockets and sent the rig back to the customer.  I then contacted Benton
>Harbor on my "technical assistance" line and asked why these parts were 
there.  A
>week or so later I was told they "thought" they had something to do with
>Not much of an answer and I never did get one that made sense.  

**  that's because it doesn't, Bob.  The only possible reason is that if 
the 3 grid caps are fairly small, they increase the grid resonance by a 
couple of MHz.  However, this seemingly makes little or no improvement in 
amplifier stability.  

>Bottom line
>is there is no valid technical reason to have them in the circuit.

**  An early 2, 3-500Z circuit from Eimac's Bill Orr used chokes/caps on 
the grids.  Heath, Drake and Kenwood copied the idea.  However, I have 
yet to read an account of Bill Orr's reasoning behind the idea.  As I see 
it, lifting the grid off of ground allows one the opportunity to use a 
grid fusing element.  However, in the directly grounded grid config, it 
is possible to install a grid fusing element in series between the grid 
current meter shunt R and ground.
>Personal experience with the 25 to 30 SB220s Ive restored/repaired/modified 
>the years indicates directly grounding the grids makes for a more stable
>Sounds to me like the resistor and cap suggestions came from someone with
>parts to sell.

**  Good point, Bob.  Rich and company charge $0.05 each for pn 88, the 
30-ohm, 1/4W carbon film grid fusing resistor.  For pn 91, the 470pF, 
2000v grid bypass caps, we charge $0.25 each.   After >6000 parasitic 
suppressor retrofit kits. I have yet to hear of anyone who is using a 
grid fusing resistor reporting a grid-filament short.  We are currently 
making so much money, there could be a new BMW 750 on the horizon.  
However, after my trip to Sees Candy yesterday to buy St Valentines day 
chocolates, the new Beemer project is, alas, switched from Operate to 

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734, AG6K, 

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