[Amps] Misc. Amp parts for sale. More to come later.

Mike Baker K7DD k7ddmjb at qwest.net
Fri Feb 21 09:38:48 EST 2003

Hello gang.
	I have some caps and tubes etc for sale on the "unmentionable" auction site
if anyone is interested.
	Just do a search under my call sign and you'll find the stuff.
	There's a pair of 3-500Z's a few Jennings vacuum fixed caps, heat
dissipating plate caps etc.
	I guess I never understood what the flap is about with regard to E-Bay but,
each reflector has its rules and suppose some day someone will explain that
one to me.
	Best 73 to all.

Mike Baker  K7DD
k7ddmjb at qwest.net

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