[Amps] Phenolic?

Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 27 18:24:12 EST 2003

I Can't 'see' what you are talking about, but if I guess a reddish resin 
material with multi layers of fine cloth imbedded, Rock sturdy, not 
brittle....It's probably phenolic.

We've got some 1" thick stuff like that...  would probably stop a .45 

aa6eg at hotmail.com

>From: <kd4lyh at bellsouth.net>
>To: <amps at contesting.com>
>Subject: [Amps] I need my memory refreshed
>Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 19:12:35 -0500
>Hello List,
>Could someone tell me what this red looking material that almost looks like 
>fiberglass is? I see it used around electrical equipment from time to time. 
>Im pretty sure that its not Phenolic. I could be wrong. I have some that I 
>want to use to support some oil filled caps. The sheet I have is .25inch 
>thick. Any help is appreciated.
>Regards Jeff KD4LYH
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