[Amps] Re: Thunderbolt

2 2@vc.net
Sat, 11 Jan 2003 10:34:06 -0800

>2 wrote:
>> >
>> >Around here Bill, KC2IFR (iirc) just put one on the air - AM, 75m.
>> >
>> >One of the things he found was that the input is a 350 ohm resistor...
>> >which makes matching to solid state trancievers a bit dodgy... He ended
>> >up using a matchbox between his rig and the Johnson...
>> >
>> >He says he tried changing it to just a 50 ohm resistor and it did not
>> >"work"... seems like it should have, but I wasn't there.
>> A 200-ohm grid terminator fed through a 1 to 4 bifilar transformer should
>> work ok with c. 100w drive.
>Sure... should work fine... but he wanted to switch to a 50 ohm resistor
>in the slot - he said the thing wasn't happy...
>I'm not sure why actually
>and didn't look for too long at the schematic.

**  A 50-ohm terminator needs to see c. 200w drive in order to provide 
enough peak grid V in order to drive a 4-400 in AB1.  It's no more than 
basic Ohm's-Law.


-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K, 