[Amps] Info TP2307 transistor

Bnovy1@aol.com Bnovy1@aol.com
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 00:12:50 EST

Hi Conrad,

I found this link with Google:

<A HREF=3D"http://www.oe2tzl-atv.at/HF_Bauteile/hf_bauteile.html">http://www=

The data relevant to your transistor is quoted from the site:

Motorola  HF Transistor  TP 2307  2.75 Watt
 bis 175 MHz bei 11 dB Gain          =E2=82=AC : 2,50=20

This translates to=20
"Motorola HF Transistor TP2307, 2.75 Watt up to 175 mHz with 11 dB Gain,=20
Price Euros 2.50 (about US$2.50)"

Pretty easy translation!!

The page I bookmarked above came up very buggy on my monitor, even after=20
several tries.  This at least identifies the transistor for you.  The compan=
looks like a distributor.  Perhaps you could send them an email and see if=20
they could send you data on it

Good luck,
Bernard Novy

> Does anyone have a datasheet for the (Motorola?) TP2307 please?
> Regards
> Conrad G0RUZ

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