[Amps] Standard Pole Transformers

Rick Cole VK3YM vk3ym at iprimus.com.au
Tue Jan 28 03:33:58 EST 2003

Bill Fuqua Wrote

3.  The standard pole transformers which were popular for building power supplies from
     provide much more than 3KV unless you drop the input voltage down to 40 or 50 volts.

Please clarify my thinking here as to what you mean by "standard pole transformers"
Is this the same transformer that is situated on the power poles that supply the electricity to the consumer???
If this is correct how do you obtain one of these transformers??
Would they not be faulty to be taken out of service??
What would be the output voltage of one these transformers???

Not being a local ham {that is in USA} I am just curious!!!
BTW our output power limit here in Australia is 400w PEP on ssb
         Regards  Rick  VK3YM

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