[Amps] HELP: obsolete power zener for a TL-922

ke5c ke5c at hot.rr.com
Mon Jan 27 18:30:59 EST 2003

Does anyone know of a source for power zeners?  I lost the bias zener in an
old Kenwood TL-922.  It's 7.2 volts at unknow watts, but it carries both
grid and plate current which could total near an amp, so it's likely at
least a 10 watt device - and it looks it.  Kenwood says it's discontinued,
and it's replacement, a "ZX7.5" is $49.70, and I'm hoping to find a less
expensive solution.  It failed when a 160 volt electrolytic blew up and
spewed foil around the base of the control transformer, and I think the
zener got a dose of 110 v to ground - the amp was sitting in idle mode at
the time.  Thanks for any suggestions.

73, John, ke5c at arrl.net

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