[Amps] SELL: "Supercharged" L4B/8877 Amplifier

w2cqm at juno.com w2cqm at juno.com
Wed Jan 29 12:11:57 EST 2003

Offering   a near mint Drake L4B (one of two electrically identical units
available) 10-80m linear amplifier retrofitted with a brand new Eimac
8877. From the exterior, this deck  appears stock Drake except the CW/SSB
switch position has been eliminated. The two part switch has been pinned
and operates as a DPST power on/off  control. Major modifications have
been made internally to handle 1700W OUTPUT on 80m* and 2200W OUTPUT on
ALL other bands. The deck has been upgraded  with the correctly rated 
filament transformer, filament voltage monitoring pin outs, custom heavy
duty  HV porcelain plate choke, solid state delay timer, mica  input
tuning capacitors, high speed blower,  porcelain grid to ground  air
system socket, Teflon chimney, and a parasitic choke assembly  for
trouble free tuning. The small footprint  power supply has been custom
built around a brand new  Peter Dahl Hipersil producing 4000VDC @
1/1-1/2amps.  The  remote (220VAC only)  power supply is separately 
metered for voltage and current,  has a step start circuit with heavy
duty contactors,  and is fan cooled. A  front panel  power supply switch
allows for  half power operation (1800-2000VDC)  and a second  bucking
voltage switch  provides and  an additional 400VDC totaling 4000VDC.  
Maximun  output power was measured with a Bird 43 and a 2500H slug with
235-240VAC on the primaries. * The bandswitch assembly was  unaltered and
used as per Drake.  Apparently, a minor 80m coil tap change  may be in
order to increase the power. Sorry will not ship!  Pick up in the
Scranton PA, New York City, New Jersey (GSP exit 117)  areas or I
anticipate being at Timonium and  Dayton.  Take a look at the Yahoo site
for a complete array of  project digitals.  $1850 Ron W2CQM/3

See   HTTP://QRZ.COM/W2CQM  for the most recently published  articles
related to amateur radio. See http://briefcase.yahoo.com/W2CQMron for
amplifier related material. Click on Drake retrofit.

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