[Amps] QSk with SB-200

paule at sfu.ca paule at sfu.ca
Mon Jul 21 11:54:21 EDT 2003

Hi Adam,

I know someone has done a variation of Rich Measures circuit
for the 200. I had the circuit but lost it when my harddisk
crashed. I may have it elsewhere if you do not hear from the
author himself.

If the person who sent me the circuit reads this, I would appreciate
hearing from you.

cheers, Paul

On Sun, 20 Jul 2003 18:36:58 -0700 kd6poc at pirate4x4.com wrote:
> GE guys,
> I did a search and found no conclusive evidence to my question, so I am
> posting the query here.
> To those of you running SB-220 and SB-200, how did you convert them to full
> QSK?
> Specifically, I have a SB-200 that I would like to convert to full QSK for
> use with my FT-990. Does anyone know how to do this?
> I know I could homebrew something up, but I would rather employ something
> that someone else has already come up with and troubelshot so I don't have
> to.
> Any help you could provide would be appreciated...
> Adam
> Adam McLaughlin
> kd6poc at pirate4x4.com
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cheers, Paul - VA7NT ex VE7CQK - email: paule at sfu.ca
"Those who hear not the music. . . think the dancers mad."

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