[Amps] Powering 400w mobile amplifier...

Gerry Hull windev at inetmarket.com
Wed Jul 30 11:58:19 EDT 2003

Hi Guys,

Great info coming forth... thanks!

I will be using the amplifier in SSB/CW service, and also
some WSJT (PSK), which is essentially full-key-down to the amplifier.
So their will be up to 1 min. of carrier time...   I am going to 
be driving the 1454 with 50w, so it will probably  put out

In my upcoming trip in a few weeks, I'll be using it fixed-mobile,
with a 10' mast and 13B3 13-el 2m yagi.  So, no issues there.

I really don't think I need a 400w amp to run 2m reapeaters, and
I don't believe my whip would sustain the power.

BTW,  I'll be running WSJT/SSB/CW from FN76, FN77, FN86 and FN87 during
the upcoming Persieds shower (prob. Aug 12/13).


Gerry, W1VE (VY2CDX on PEI)

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