[Amps] Ameritron EBS-1 in AL-1200?

2 2 at vc.net
Wed Jul 30 15:26:31 EDT 2003

>I'm pretty clueless about such matters, and would appreciate any advice.
>What do folks think about the importance of, and/or utility of, installing
>EBS-1 electronic bias kit in an AL-1200 that is going to see heavy duty
>contest use?
>At the risk of demonstrating to the world my complete lack of undestanding
>of high power amplifiers, is it correct that this kit basically senses input 
>and biases the tube to cut-off in the absence of input RF - thus reducing the
>"circulating currents"?

***  With no input RF, there is always zero RF circulating current, no 
matter what type of bias switch is used.
--  .  When SSB RF drive  drops below the EB-switch threshold level 
during soft-syllables, the amplifier switches in and out of non-linear 
bias.  This results in more IMD during soft-syllables.  Another problem 
with RF-actuated bias switching is that there is no headstart for the 
amplifier's RF relay contacts to close before RF arrives.  This results 
in hot-switching the RF input relay and the RF output relay in the 
amplifier.  For AM and FM modes, RF-actuated bias switching does not 
switch during soft-syllables, so there is no added IMD, although the 
hot-switching problem still exists.  
>            ***dan, K6IF

Rich, AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org / new e-mail adr r at somis.org

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