[Amps] Re: 160M efficiency

Jeffrey Madore K1LE at ARRL.NET
Mon Jun 2 11:08:18 EDT 2003

I need a little help in understanding the entire picture correctly.

I see that having additional bypass C at the plate choke base, would help
prevent the power supply from becoming part of the tuned circuit. Would
additional L of the choke also be beneficial, as it would seem that less RF
current would be lost through the bypass C at the choke base?  Or, is that
current insignificant? Or am I missing the entire plot?


Jeff - K1LE - CT ><>

----- Original Message -----
From: "2" <2 at vc.net>
To: "Phil Clements" <philk5pc at tyler.net>; "Lynn" <no9z at soltec.net>; "AMPS"
<amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Re: 160M efficiency

> >>     Yesterday I added 1600pf (4 doorknobs) to the base of the plate
> >> choke and noticed  a
> >> significant change in output as well as stability.   It seems the
> >> metal tubes
> >> require more bypassing  than found in some of the other designs.
> >
> >
> >All 160 meter amps need this, Lynn. It is just not as obvious at low
> >You need 8000-10000 pf at the base of the plate choke for 160, especially
> >if you
> >are using a string of electrolytic capacitors in the HVPS. I use 10,000pf
> >@ 10kv
> >disk ceramics by Sprague here.
> ?  Amen, Phil.  Ameritron's 1000pF of +HV bypass C is clearly not good
engineering practice below 10MHz..
> >
> >(((73)))
> >Phil, K5PC
> >
> >
> >
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